Dr. James Neilson-Watt  – DC, Anxiety & Chronic Pain Researcher, Health & Mindset Coach and Online Marketing Strategist speaks with Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast. James talks about how he went from working 60 hours a week as a chiropractic doctor to owning two practices in two years. He hit seven figures in revenue and dropped his weekly hourly workload from 60 to 20. Get ready to gain maximum value from this special marketing master class!  


Episode Highlights:

James talks about his upbringing and education.   What traditional marketing channels did James utilize?  How did he transition out of traditional marketing?    James discusses why it’s important to understand your audience and your ideal client’s journey.  When it comes to Facebook ads, you don’t want people to like and share your ad. You want them to take action and respond.   Why is it important to drive traffic to a landing page instead of a website?  What are the most effective types of offers?   What tool does James use to manage his leads?  What final advice does James have to offer? 


3 Key Points:

Understand who you’re serving, what their motivator is and what’s driving them to seek help. Know your audience, the message you are putting in front of them and your offer.  Use one tool well then transition to another when you hit a ceiling. 


Tweetable Quotes:

“The best way to meet people is to literally go and have conversations with them.” – Dr. James Neilson-Watt “If we understand who we’re serving, what interests them and what’s driving them, then we can present our message and our offer in front of our ideal client.” – Dr. James Neilson-Watt “I have a standard set of ads I’m running and they’re effective. Instead of constantly trying to make a new ad, I make changes and put it in front of more and more people.” – Dr. James Neilson-Watt


Resources Mentioned:

JasonDuprat.com Jason Duprat: Linkedin  Facebook Dr. James Neilson-Watt: Linkedin Jamesneilsonwatt.com


#HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #masterclass #marketingstrategy #facebookads #targetaudience #digitalmarketing