Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast talks about pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and why you may want to consider utilizing it for your business. He provides insight on the terminology and reviews the steps to ensure a successful PPC campaign. 



Pay-per-click advertising is sophisticated, affordable and very effective when you consider the rate that people use search engines. With pay-per-click, you can target audiences based on geography, demographic, device, specific times of the day, keywords and website behavior. Set your goals, pick your targeting methods and analyze the results. Look for the return on ad spend and then make data-driven decisions to refine your ads and your ad strategy.



Intent-based searches allow businesses to target people who are in certain phases of research and/or the buying process. There are more than 6 billion searches across search engines per day worldwide. Google alone processes 3.8 million searches per minute. PPC is more affordable than traditional marketing methods such as TV, radio or billboards.  Identify your goals upfront. Do you want to build brand awareness? Do you want to capture ROI on your ad spend? Do you want to generate leads? Jason explains the terminology associated with PPC: cost per click (CPC), cost per mille (CPM), click-through rate (CTR) and cost per acquisition (CPA). When you utilize PPC, you can target prospects based on geography, demographics, devices used, time of day and keyword searches.  Google Display allows businesses to use affiliated websites as virtual billboards, providing access to 90% of internet users worldwide. There are five steps for creating a successful PPC campaign.  One, establish goals. Two, choose your target methods. Three, determine the ad spend. Four, analyze results. Five, use the results to further refine the ad strategy.  It can be difficult to find an agency that can consistently deliver great results. Sometimes it’s better to utilize in-house staff to manage your company’s marketing needs, particularly for PPC.



“If you’re not advertising on Google, you’re missing a real opportunity.” - Jason Duprat



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