Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast talks about the importance of content marketing and social media marketing to increase engagement with your customers and awareness of your business. 


Jason has enrolled in a year-long online marketing course to learn more about digital marketing.  Content Marketing Institute founder Joe Pulizzi popularized the 4-1-1 rule which allows you to add value, nurture your relationship with your followers and demonstrate authority without being overly pushy. Following the 4-1-1 rule, you should share six pieces of content each week. Four should be curated by you. So search out content and then summarize, adding your own thoughts as well.  Many tools exist to help you find content, such as BuzzSumo, which crawls online content and puts it all in one spot.  Google Alerts is another option (and it’s free) yet not as sophisticated as BuzzSumo. Google Alerts sends content to your inbox based on keywords.  As part of your content marketing plan, one piece of content should be an original piece, where you answer common questions within your industry. And the final piece should be promotional. So only one piece of content each week should include a feature, module or bonus offer from you. The goal of the 4-1-1 rule is to nurture prospects and customers and remain relevant.  Jason invites listeners to share how they manage content and social media marketing via his two Facebook groups, one for online businesses and one for bricks & mortar businesses. Both are linked below. 


Joe Pulizzi’s 4-1-1 content marketing rule includes four pieces of curated content, one original piece and one promotional piece shared each week.   There are a variety of free and paid tools you can use to stay informed about the latest news and articles related to your industry.  Content marketing is about staying relevant to your audience and consistent with what your audience wants to read or learn about.


“If you’re a business, you have to be marketing yourself on social media.” - Jason Duprat

“If you’re not relevant, your followers are just going to unsubscribe or unfollow you.” - Jason Duprat


BuzzSumo: https://buzzsumo.com/

SocialPilot: https://www.socialpilot.co/

Feedly: https://feedly.com/

Flipboard: https://about.flipboard.com/

NewsBlur: https://newsblur.com/

HEA Facebook Group for Digital Businesses: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HeathcareEntrepreneurAcademy/

HEA Facebook Group for Bricks & Mortar Businesses: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademyBrickandMortar/


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