Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast talks about how to become a guest on a podcast show. He also discusses the benefits of being a guest, including building your authority in your area of expertise, growing your audience and developing connections. 



Being on a podcast show is similar to appearing as a guest on a YouTube channel or writing a guest blog post. It allows you to reach new audiences.  Jason has five tips for becoming a guest on a podcast show.  First, you must have the ability to speak well and articulate your message. Send links to your prior speaking engagements to demonstrate your skill when soliciting guest appearances.   Help the host deliver an interesting show. Do your homework before appearing and be prepared to weave in stories.  Second, build your network in your space. Referrals from your acquaintances allow you to connect via a warm introduction versus a cold call. One of the ways Jason sources guests for his show is through previous guest recommendations.  Next, find other podcast episodes that resonate and take notes. Deconstruct the copy and take forward what you learn.  Fourth, create a list of podcasts you want to appear on and work your way up the list by starting with smaller shows first to get experience. Lastly, drop your ego at the door. Take time to be thoughtful when filling out forms and be open to pre-interviews.  Be mindful when you send emails asking to be a guest on a show. Avoid generic jargon and cookie cutter responses.  Put the effort in to study those who are great. Listen repeatedly and take notes. 



The more you put yourself out there, the more your audience and network will grow. Work on your ability to speak well, build your network and nail your early guest appearances.  Don’t be a prima donna! Answer forms and fill out applications thoughtfully. This will help you come across as someone dedicated and eager to provide value to the show’s audience.  



“Study those who are great.” - Jason Duprat

“If you focus on getting on more shows, you’re going to be able to build your audience, your authority and your connections.” - Jason Duprat



HEA Facebook Group for Digital Businesses: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HeathcareEntrepreneurAcademy/

HEA Facebook Group for Bricks & Mortar Businesses: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademyBrickandMortar/


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