Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast talks about his experiences starting an online business. He shares the top three things he learned and three business principles to keep in mind.



The first time Jason added an online education component to his business was in 2016. He created 2 nursing school entrance exams review courses. One of the lessons he learned is the market is very commoditized and the price you charge should be in line with what the market demands. Otherwise, clients will go to the competition. Two of the mistakes he committed was choosing the wrong topic to teach and not knowing how to create a course hosting platform. From there, Jason started a brick and mortar business for Ketamine Therapy in Albuquerque, which he ultimately sold. Jason’s second lesson was learning how to leverage brick and mortar success for digital growth. He turned his Ketamine Therapy success into an online education course. .  So far, Jason has trained 800 students through the Ketamine Academy.  Jason’s third lesson is tied to expansion and partnerships. Along with KC Devine, Jason launched a second course, the IV Therapy Academy. They’ve sold almost $1.6M in online education and trained 1,500 students. He recommends three business principles to keep in mind. They include creating a beta program and pre-selling, honing in on time management and realizing you don’t have to be a salesperson to sell online education programs. 



Business Principle 1: Creating an online business with an online revenue system. Jason recommends creating a beta program and pre-selling the course so you won’t waste time and money. Business Principle 2: The limited time fallacy. Jason emphasizes the importance of managing time wisely. Use apps to be mindful of how you’re  spending your time, such as Newsfeed Eradicator for Facebook and Momentum.  Business Principle 3: You can sell online education programs without being a salesperson. Set up systems and automations to handle this aspect of the business. 



“You can sell your product, you can sell your knowledge online without ever having to do sales. You don’t have to be a salesperson.” - Jason Duprat


“If you take care of your students, if you get them the results you promised them, your students will actually do the marketing and sales for you.” - Jason Duprat



Ketamine Academy - https://www.ketamineprofessionals.com/enroll

IV Therapy Academy - https://www.ivtherapyacademy.com/

IVTherapy Free Live Masterclass - https://go.ivtherapyacademy.com/webinar-registration1587410015485?sl=ivawebsite

Newsfeed Eradicator for Facebook -https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/news-feed-eradicator-for/fjcldmjmjhkklehbacihaiopjklihlgg?hl=en

Momentum - https://momentumdash.com


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