Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast, discusses the value of attending masterminds, calculating the cost investment and what you should expect.  

Episode Highlights:

Jason talks about his personal experiences with masterminds.  How are masterminds executed?   What exactly is a mastermind?  How much do masterminds cost?  What should you look for when you’re deciding to attend a mastermind?  How can you determine if the financial investment in a mastermind is worthwhile? 

3 Key Points:

Masterminds can be online or in-person, while some take place during a vacation or retreat. Some masterminds require monthly or annual memberships. The cost of a mastermind varies between $200 a month up to $25,000-$40,000 a year.  When tallying the value of a mastermind, consider the fee for attending, as well as the costs for travel, lodging, food and money lost from being away from work. 

Tweetable Quotes:

(Masterminds) “The group you’re going to be a part of should have a substantial amount of people who are a step or two or three ahead of you so you have someone to learn from.” – Jason A. Duprat  (Attending masterminds) “Probably one of the most important things is who’s going to be there, who’s going to be hosting and how many people are going to be there.” – Jason A. Duprat  (Masterminds) “There are opportunity costs involved with going to these events too, because you’re taking time away from your business, from your family and that is all worth something.” – Jason A. Duprat  


Resources Mentioned:

JasonDuprat.com Jason Duprat: Linkedin  Facebook


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