Keith Carlson – Registered Nurse, Holistic Career Coach, Award-Winning Blogger, Writer, Podcaster, Speaker and Author, talks to Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast. Keith shares his 20+ years of nursing experience, along with his advice for launching a blog and a podcast. Keith also shares his experience and tips for coaching, writing and public speaking.  

 Episode Highlights:

Keith talks about his childhood and upbringing.   How did he get started in nursing and then move into management?   How and why did he transition from management to entrepreneurship?  Keith shares tips for starting a blog and launching a website. Keith discusses his experience as a writer and a coach.  What advice does he offer for launching a podcast?  How did Keith become comfortable speaking in front of people?   What’s his advice for becoming a speaker and monetizing a podcast?    How does consulting factor into Keith’s career?  Keith talks about his true happy place of speaking, podcasting, writing and coaching.   What are some of the greatest challenges and successes Keith has faced?  Do you need to rent an office space as an entrepreneur?  Keith shares resources for professionals interested in becoming nursing entrepreneurs. 

 3 Key Points:

Buy and own your own website domain and use WordPress so you have room to expand your website.   Your podcast should focus on a niche and be sure to utilize Libsyn. Own your content instead of using third-party organizations.  Create a brand that speaks to who you actually are in real life. Your brand is the feeling you want people to have when they interact with your content, products and services. 

 Tweetable Quotes:

“An entrepreneur is a person who really takes ownership of their job and the place where they work as they work to solve problems and innovate.” – Keith Carlson “Figure out what your niche is and stay in your lane.” – Keith Carlson “I use social media to meet people. I use the social aspect to meet people who offer value to me and who I can be of value to. I’m really into connection and relationships.” – Keith Carlson


Resources Mentioned: Jason Duprat: Linkedin  Facebook Keith Carlson: Linkedin  Twitter The Nurse Keith Show:

[email protected] - Mention “Jason” to get a free 45-minute coaching session

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