Josh Perry helps people optimize their mindset and health to increase their performance, personally and professionally. Josh's passion for helping others was born during his experiences battling brain tumors over his career as a pro BMX athlete and his pursuit of helping himself survive and continue successfully living his dream. Josh believes he is alive to share his story and help others with all he has gained. Josh retired from his sport in 2017 to start a speaking and coaching business focused on empowering others to see beyond their circumstances and equip them with the tools, knowledge, and strategies to create momentum toward their desired outcomes. Josh's mission is to inspire new perspectives in others to begin taking congruent action in their lives.

Follow Taylor @JoshPerryBMX on all social media platforms and

Key point topics and studies mentioned:

Josh shared his struggles, battles, and triumphs over his 5 brain tumors Josh's mission is to help others, his first book & his coaching platform. Overcoming adversity to accomplish the desired outcome. Our reality is a manifestation of our choices. Fear is just a thought, health is internal, perspective is essential, and Empowerment=C>e.

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