Part 2 of 2 on Marketplace Awareness and Sophistication.

At each stage the awareness level of the marketplace increases. Remember awareness is all about how well the market knows their problem or your product. There are five stages.

Level 1: Completely Unaware – Your prospects are not aware of their problem or the need for a solution. (i.e. I hear a clicking noise in my ear when I press on it but I don’t know what it could be.)

Level 2: Problem Aware – They are only aware of the problem and nothing else. (I’ve heard of Tinnitus, that’s the ringing in the ear thing right?)

Level 3: Solution Aware – They are aware of the problem and the different solutions available to them. (Tinnitus, that’s the ringing caused by a lot of ear wax right? So I just need to clean my ears.)

Level 4: Product Aware – They are aware of the problem and the solution. (Oh Tinnitus, Yeah I’ve heard of that. I think I need to see an audiologist.)

Level 5: Most Aware – They are aware of what you offer and how it meets their needs. (Oh there’s a pill for that, it’s called Tinnitus 911 from Phytage Labs)

If you can identify the awareness level of the market, then you’ll know where the conversation needs to come in at, in order to acquire new customers. It will also help you to come up with new hooks and angles for your lead copy and more.

Brought to you by The revenue optimization agency for health supplement companies. Specializing in split tests, funnels, upsells, and direct response copywriting so you can maximize profitability and scale. 

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