Dr. Kathleen Toups (Author of Dementia Demystified, Functional Medicine Psychiatrist, Principal researcher on long-term Alzheimer's and Mild Cognitive Impairment Dementia-MCID clinical trials) specializes in psychiatric disorders and cognitive impairment disorders. She believes that Dementia, depression, anxiety and ADHD are not mysterious diseases or conditions that just happen. In fact, she says that they do not even start in the brain, but instead are the result of an imbalanced, autoimmune-triggered body, leading to inflammation.
Like many early adopters of functional medicine, Dr Toups came to the functional medicine table when she developed the degenerative disease herself. Using her expertise and modern-day neuroplasticity approaches, she shares the scientific data supporting her notion that diet (and a few other changes) can restore proper brain function. Listen in to her personal success story and discover how she completely reversed her own Dementia!

Jonathan Otto from Health Secret interviewed Dr. Kathleen Toups about Dementia.