Did you know that the U.S. weight loss industry pulls in close to a hundred billion dollars a year? Ocean Robbins (Author, Health Advocate and CEO/ Co-founder of Food Revolution Network Inc.) wants us to STOP being a society that shames and blames ourselves for carrying extra weight. Sugar can be more addictive than cocaine and people are both mentally and physically addicted to unhealthy foods. But with nearly three quarters of Americans struggling with weight and obesity, where do we go from here? Ocean has the answers!
No one understands better than the grandson of the world’s largest (and arguably the best-ever tasting) ice cream chain. Originally planned to be future heirs to the Baskin Robbins empire, Ocean Robbins and his father John Robbins walked away from something they knew could contribute to making people unhealthy and instead chose to dedicate their lives to educating the public on “healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all.” In this incredible interview, Ocean shares very touching stories about how despite the inheritance, his parents chose to raise him in a modest but wholesome home they built themselves and how in the end, it was this very health movement that saved his grandfather's life!