In this week’s episode of the Health Ignited podcast, we welcome Dr. Maia Love, MD, to walk us through a mental wellness pivot and how to cultivate healing and resilience through heart centred living.

Dr. Maia Love is a wellness consultant passionate about your well being. She works with individuals and corporations to grow their ability to tap into their true self for an authentic and vital life. After two degrees in arts and sciences, she later completed her medical training and then five year psychiatric residency program in British Columbia, Canada. She is board certified in psychiatry and has additional certifications in mindfulness, addiction, yoga and meditation. Much of her clinical work has been trauma informed, initially working with people from all walks of life, and then gradually growing into a private practice specifically working with public safety personnel, health care providers, and high performance executives. Her wellness programs have evolved over the last ten years to help you support a lifestyle design that prevents burnout in the face of stress and vicarious trauma. She has won awards for her writing for medical journals and her contribution to psychiatric research, and brings her expertise in the exquisite elegance of the nervous system and brain to her guided meditations and wellness coaching to help you tap into your brilliance.

In this episode, Dr. Maia Love shares her personal experience with navigating the relationship between science and intuition in her own life and her practice. She also walks us through a number of techniques and approaches to helping individuals connect to their heart centre and become less reactive to life’s everyday stressors and challenges. Dr. Maia Love speaks about the ways compassion, kindness and patience promote our biological health, reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure and cortisol levels, and normalizing heart rate, and the power of taking a pause before making this shift when we feel ourselves sitting in lower frequencies of being. Tune in to learn about the electromagnetism of the heart field, how to navigate change and stress with grace and self love, and the science behind our power to shift our reality by making a deeper connection to the heart.

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