This week on the Health Ignited Podcast we welcome Steve Q. Wiltshire to share his story about healing autoimmune disease through detoxing, supporting gut health and shifting mindset. 


This episode explores the relationship between mental health and the immune response and offers practical tools for healing and reclaiming your health. We also discuss the power of mindful morning routines and how consistency with healthy daily habits can change your life. 


Steve Q. Wiltshire is a Keynote Speaker, Author and Mindset Coach and the founder of Body Temple Health & Wellness. Shortly after winning the Mr. Oregon Body Building Competition, Steve developed an autoimmune disease that originated from a serious gut complication and almost ruined his health. 18 months after being diagnosed, Steve healed himself by following the philosophy and wellness practices taught by the Hypocrites Institute in Southern Florida. Through Steve’s journey, he has developed a process that has led him to assisting thousands of people how to reclaim their health and power. During our interview, Steve generously shares his exact process on his detox process that restored his health, as well as his complimentary 15 Day Kickstart Gut Detox Plan!


If you’re feeling stuck and ready to take charge of your health, body and mindset, tune in to hear all about Steve Wiltshire’s inspiring journey from illness to vibrant health and learn more about his work with Body Temple Health & Wellness.


Body Temple:


Complimentary 15-Day Kickstart Detox Plan:


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