In this week's episode of the Health Ignited Podcast we invite Amanda Monnier. Amanda is a Holistic Healer, New Earth Visionary, Mentor, Podcaster, Published Author, + Certified Yoga Teacher. She transitioned into her soul work from a career in law enforcement after feeling the nudge to go all in on herself. She believes in each of us activating our inner healer and healing through connection to our own Divinity. She holds space for healing ancestral patterns, conditioning, imprints, beliefs, + the shift into your fullest embodiment of who you are at a soul level. Amanda is completely committed reminding others that everything they ever needed was always inside.


What does it mean to go inside and get to know yourself? In this episode we talk about the importance of building that relationship with yourself and how to be present in order to show up as your best self. Amanda talks about our polarities and how the shadow and the light cant exist without each other. Tune in to listen how you can work on connecting to your soul and creating alignment through different tools like constant creation, manifestation, meditation, breath work, pause moments, among others.


You can connect with Amanda and her online community at:


Instagram: @amandamonnier

Facebook: Amanda Monnier

Podcast: New Earth Visionaries



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