On this week’s episode of the Health Ignited Podcast, we share tips and tools for cleaning up one of the most important determinants of health and wellness - sleep.

Sleep hygiene consists of all of the habits that affect our sleep patterns. When our sleep hygiene is poor, we’re setting ourselves up for major struggle in almost all other areas of our lives. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, a poor diet, excessive caffeine intake (or consuming it too late in the day), hormonal imbalances, and an inability to let go of the stress of the day or getting stuck in anxiety loops about the future can all contribute to sleep difficulties.

In this episode, we talk about important hormones that impact sleep - including cortisol, insulin, melatonin and progesterone - and how to best achieve a healthy balance to help you fall asleep easily and stay asleep through the night. We also discuss foods and eating habits that are supportive of proper sleep hygiene as well as those that may put greater stress on your body as it tries to move into a parasympathetic state in the evening.

Understanding your hormonal blueprint, mineral deficiencies and how past trauma, daily stressors, and even head injuries may impact the quality of your sleep will help you to make better choices based on your unique needs and optimize your sleep hygiene. Supplementation can be extremely helpful in remedying poor sleep, but there is no one-size-fits-all regimen for this, so mindfulness and inquiry into your personal experience will help you to determine the best approach for you. Tune in to this episode to learn our top tips and biohacks for improving your quality of sleep and finding better balance in your daily life

We love this magnesium threonate supplement: Magnesium Breakthrough: 10% off at bioptimizers.com with code DRNICK

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