Everybody possesses innate wisdom about themselves. I don't know the answer to your question, but I believe that you know the answer to your question. I'm here to provide you with any information you need, support to access resources in the community, or just to be patient and listen. Interview about Peer Support with Keith Scott from Advocates, Inc.

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Episode Notes
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Find FULL TRANSCRIPT at the end of the other show notes or download the printable transcript here
Contents with Time-Stamped Headings
to listen where you want to listen or read where you want to read (heading. time on podcast xx:xx. page # on the transcript)

Introducing Keith Scott 00:53. 1

Peer Support: equilibrium, reciprocity, mutuality 05:15. 2

Everybody possesses wisdom about themselves 10:18. 3

Impact learning 16:14. 4

Peer support at the leadership table 25:32. 5

Integrating with medical care 35:34. 7

Reflections 40:51  8

Please comments and ask questions

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Music by permission from Joey van Leeuwen, Boston Drummer, Composer, Arranger

Sponsored by Abridge

Thanks to these fine people who inspired me for this episode: Robert Doherty, Lou Desso, Suzanne Feeney, M-Laurie Wasserstein, Luc Pelletier, Bevin Croft, Chris Gordon, Diane Gould, Beth Lacey, Carmin Quirion Wyman, Grace Cordovana


Advocates, Inc.

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About the Show
Welcome to Health Hats, learning on the journey toward best health. I am Danny van Leeuwen, a two-legged, old, cisgender, white man with privilege, living in a food oasis, who can afford many hats and knows a little about a lot of healthcare and a lot about very little. Most people wear hats one at a time, but I wear them all at once. We will listen and learn about what it takes to adjust to life's realities in the awesome circus of healthcare. Let's make some sense of all this.

To subscribe go to https://health-hats.com/
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The material found on this website created by me is Open Source and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution. Anyone may use the material (written, audio, or video) freely at no charge. Please cite the source as: ‘From Danny van Leeuwen, Health Hats. (including the link to my website). I welcome edits and improvements. Please let me know. [email protected]. The material on this site created by others is theirs and use follows their guidelines.
The Show
Introducing Keith Scott
A few weeks after I started as Vice President of Quality Management at Advocates, Inc., I attended my first Board committee meeting. Advocates champions people who face developmental, mental health, or other life challenges. They partner with over 23,000 individuals and families to shape creative solutions to even the greatest obstacles. Advocates says, “First, we listen. Then, together, we do what it takes to help people thrive.” Midway into the meeting, a gentleman spoke for five full minutes in what seemed to my naïve ears as stream of consciousness passion. I thought, “What is this man saying? Wait, everyone’s listening intently.” When he stopped,