Educational pioneer, pharmacist, writer, and speaker Colleen Higgins, R.Ph. brings medical cannabis providers together with patients through education and product development to accelerate healing and build brand loyalty.

With so much talk about CBD out there, I thought it would be great to have a real expert on the show to debunk myths, talk dosage, and where to get real CBD!

*Topics Discussed*

- How to find a reputable CBD product (a lot of junk out there)
- How to properly dose CBD so it's effective
- What specifically can CBD help with? (Seems a lot of CBD companies claim it can do anything)
- The Optimal use of CBD

*About My Guest* Colleen is a pharmacist, author, and speaker who helps translate the complex world of pharmaceutical and cannabis medicine into an accessible language for patients and caregivers. Colleen has been helping patients understand how to get the most out of their medications for almost thirty years, first in various retail pharmacies, and most recently as a cannabis pharmacist in the medical marijuana program in Connecticut.

She created, an educational website designed to translate cannabis science, in order to make it more accessible for both patients and healthcare professionals.