We all know plastic is bad for the earth, but did you know that it may be just as bad for our bodies? According to research, even consuming food with plastic utensils may be significantly affecting our hormones. Ziplock bags, containers, utensils - our food is virtually surrounded by plastic! So how can we get around it, and why?

In this episode, I invite Dr. Rudolph Eberwein on to the show to help us understand what Identifying Endocrine Chemicals are, how we can identify them, and ways we can avoid them. [WARNING] This episode will make you want to put that plastic water bottle away forever!

About Our Guest: Rudolph Eberwein, M.D. did his undergraduate training at University of Florida where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Science.

Dr. Eberwein received his medical training from University of Miami Medical School, and received his MD degree in 1998. He completed his internship and residency in Internal Medicine at University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, in Miami, FL, in 2001. Dr. Eberwein is a board-certified internist who works as a hospitalist at several major hospitals in South Florida.

He has dedicated his post-residency training to furthering his understanding of the evaluation and management of obesity, a chronic medical condition that is a leading cause of premature death affecting Americans in epidemic proportions.