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Prevent disease. Slow aging. Optimize performance. Every cellular process in your body is instructed by the 22,000 genes that make up your genetic code. Our nutrition, lifestyle and environment decisions impact our genetic function. Decode your genes so you can make the right choices. Stream this episode now to learn more about how you can hack your DNA and optimize your life.

About Our Guest:
Kashif’s genes are an uncanny match for his personality and business acumen. He has a dizzying ability to multitask, and an unfathomable disregard for danger, all of which show up in his genetic profile. However, his genes also reveal a reduced ability to detoxify pollutants, fumes, environmental chemicals, and pesticides. Despite his steely executive function, Kashif is much more chemically sensitive than his colleagues. He recently experienced the effects of his reduced detoxification ability during the construction of Youtrients’ state of the art facility. Visiting the construction site, while industrial floor sealants were still being applied, Kashif developed a severe eczema reaction within hours of exposure.

Two weeks away from the facility, his eczema flare had all but disappeared. A second return to the contruction site brought his condition right back. His innate, inherited detoxification pathways could not handle this overload. Youtrients developed a personalized supplement for Kashif that included the correct dose of NAC, selenium, milk thistle, and alpha lipoic acid (ALA). These nutrients enhance his suboptimal detoxification pathway, enabling his body to deal with pollutants and chemicals, while reducing his risk of longterm illness.