About This Episode: Sex helps you feel closer to your partner. It is the most intimate physical act you and your partner can experience. Without it, it's easy to lose sight of your connection. Relationships and a healthy sex life take constant work.

To help the couples out there, I invited Kelly Engelmann, FNP-BC, on to the show to share her health hacks to promote couples sexual health. Enjoy!

*About Our Guest* Kelly Engelmann, FNP-BC, founded Enhanced Wellness Living in the Jackson/Ridgeland area of Mississippi in 2004. Kelly has dedicated years to researching and developing treatment strategies using a food first approach for healing her patients. Through years of experience in clinical, hospital, surgical, and obstetrics/OBGYN healthcare, and her keen observations, Kelly became aware that, even with the best doctors, the patient population she was serving was developing and living in a chronic disease state. She understood that the tools and resources patients needed to gain control of their health and live a life of vitality were limited.