We had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Anthony Gustin from http://www.dranthonygustin.com/.
He is the founder and creator of Equip Foods and Perfect Keto supplements. His drive is now to educate as many people as possible about the four pillars of health: Nutrition, Movement, Stress/Mental Health, and Sleep/Rest. Without all of these in check, you’ll never fully optimize your health and have a full quality of life.
In this podcast, we talk about the importance of real food in our lives.

Why stress reduction and sleep are essential

Making an impact in more lives

How to set yourself up for successful ketosis

Who Ketosis is for and who shouldn't be in ketosis

Why you shouldn't be in ketosis long term and much more.
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Music by:"Entreprenuer" album instrumentals by Matthew Giovanisci is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License at www.moneylab.co/rap/