Is having one certification enough?


After all a certification allows you to practice in your given field and help the clients you wish to serve…


But what about going after a 2nd certification? 


Are some better than others? 


Which ones would best serve your niche? 


How should you choose one over another?


Tune into today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess episode 254 to find out how many certifications you need plus much more around this topic - Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought in the comments!


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Listen or Watch At: 



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Dr. Cabral's Book, The Rain Barrel Effect:

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Become an Integrative Health Practitioner:

Is having one certification enough?


After all a certification allows you to practice in your given field and help the clients you wish to serve…


But what about going after a 2nd certification? 


Are some better than others? 


Which ones would best serve your niche? 


How should you choose one over another?


Tune into today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess episode 254 to find out how many certifications you need plus much more around this topic - Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought in the comments!


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Listen or Watch At: 



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Dr. Cabral's Book, The Rain Barrel Effect:

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Become an Integrative Health Practitioner: