A number of people suffer from kidney failure. They struggle with flushing out the toxins that the body generates through the course of living. Rick Hayashi, MD is the expert at helping these people. As a Nephrologist, Rick specializes in taking care of patients with all spectrums of kidney disease. He joins host Richard Marn, MD, to help us understand the scope of the profession while also guiding us into his own journey and experiences in this career. Seeing how there is a downward trend in the interest towards nephrology Rick breaks down the misconceptions people have about nephrologists and shares the rewarding parts of being one. Not many dream of going to a medical school to become a nephrologist. Yet, when you look deeper, it is undeniably responsible for saving millions of lives. Join Rick and Richard in this episode to gain a clearer understanding of this “unsexy” job and see more than what meets the eye.