Repentance is a change of mind, a change of heart, a change of will, a change of direct. It’s a complete life change. Repentance is a makeover God’s way. A makeover that makes us more beautiful because we look more like our maker.

When I was first learning to garden, I often found myself on my knees in beautiful Tennessee. In the spring I would be down on my knees planting flowers, then in the summer I would be down on my knees pulling weeds. There was one particular weed in my Tennessee garden that I was having trouble getting rid of. I would dig down deep and be sure that I had gotten the weed at the root and in a few weeks later when the rain fell it would pop up a few feet away. It had such a deep underground root system that I found Jesus using it as an example of my own sin areas.

As I was on my knees in the garden Jesus said to me, “This is what a besetting sin is like” The word besetting is from King James Version for Hebrews 12:1 and it refers to the primary area in your life that you’ve constantly struggled in. It’s a go to escape sin. Often a besetting sin is repeated through out the generations. For some people it’s sexual sin, pornography, it can be anxiety or fear patterns, It can be some sort of addiction, it can be self-indulgence over eating or over spending.  

Cultivating a lifestyle of reprentance through daily prayer opens the gateway to the kingdom of God advancing in and through your life.

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