True Greatness is the opposite of fame and celebrity. Every one of us have been born for greatness. Greatness is summarized in Colossians 1:27 which says that the mystery is this: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Jesus said in Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

 Greatness is found serving others. Your greatness is realized as you rise up to the fullness of your calling through humility.

Everyone of us have been born with natural gifts. You have been fashioned uniquely in God’s image. Every single person on this earth is a treasure.

Understanding your identity as a son or daughter adopted by father God is key to greatness. It’s nothing that you’ve achieved, it’s found in the essence of who he’s created you to be. You are His joy and his delight.

 You have a unique purpose in your life that’s only found through prayer and intimacy with Jesus. Who you are is multiplied with focus and power when you are set in place in a community of faith.

When you find your people, you’re able to fulfill your purpose even more fully. We come together and are able to fulfill a greater purpose together than alone.

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