Join us for a practice to build an altar or sacred space to ground you with Cara Page. You’ll need 10-15 minutes in a space where you’d like to build it: your home, your workplace, the place you’re staying right now. This can be done individually for you or collectively as a group.

For your reference as you go collecting your objects as you listen along… Cara asks:

Who or what do you honor that keeps you connected to ancestors? Do you have any objects or pictures that you can gather to create a space that helps you to honor ancestors?

What objects embody safety for you? What allows you to feel safe in your heart, in your mind, in your body - that gives you permission to feel that no one can harm you? What object would best represent that?

What allows you to feel most powerful in your body, mind, or heart? What object represents your resilience?

Find something that represents desire. It could be desire for yourself to feel safe, loved, healed - a desire for family or community to be safe, loved, embraced - or it can be a desire you have for collective liberation. This object represents not just want we want to resist, but what we want to create.

Gather your objects, and set them up in a place where they won’t be interrupted… someplace you can look at everyday to reground you and help you remember power, resilience, desire, and safety to keep you grounded and connected.

Check out episode 8 for the corresponding conversation with Cara and Susan Raffo titled "We Moved Like We Needed Each Other: A Lineage of Healing Justice” to listen to our conversation about the origins of the contemporary framework of healing justice, stories and learnings from early collaborations in the South and at the Atlanta and Detroit US Social Forums, how nothing is just an issue - everything we care about deeply ties to our embodiment, the importance of safety, and the fine lines between ownership, appropriation, co-optation, and trust.

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CARA PAGE is the Director of Programs at the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, and most recently was the Executive Director of the Audre Lorde Project. Over the past three decades, she has worked within movements for queer & trans liberation, reproductive justice, healing justice, and racial and economic justice. She is co-founder and former Coordinator of the Kindred Southern Healing Justice Collective and former National Director of the Committee on Women, Population & the Environment. For her outstanding achievements in community organizing around the arts and social justice, Page has received awards and fellowships from the National Center for Human Rights & Education and The Rockefeller Foundation. As an Activist-in-Residence at the Barnard Center for Research on Women, Page will deepen her study on historical and contemporary eugenic practices and medical experimentation to shape a public discourse on the historical and contemporary role of eugenic violence as an extension of state control and surveillance on Black & immigrant communities; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming people; people with disabilities; and Women of Color. Through creating political writings, cultural performance and communal forums on these issues she will gather a cohort of healers/health practitioners, cultural workers, organizers, scientists and service providers to transform institutional eugenic practices; and memorialize sites of eugenic practice to bear witness to these atrocities and begin to organize and heal.


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Mixed and produced by Zach Meyer at the COALROOM
Intro and Closing music gifted by Danny O’Brien
All visuals contributed by Josiah Werning

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