Neena’s first baby was breech at term, so she was given no other option but a planned cesarean. When she conceived again, she knew she wanted a VBAC, but even at her local “VBAC-friendly” practice, she was coerced, gaslit, and shamed, at nearly every interaction with them.

Neena’s story an excellent example of how even a highly informed, confident, and, perhaps most importantly, perfectly healthy woman can end up with medical interventions and birth outcomes that are unnecessary and traumatic.

This is, though, ultimately, not a victim story, but a power story. There is power in how hard she fought. There is power in her healing journey. And so much power in the realizations she came to after this birth experience about herself.

This is part one of her story, tune in next week for part two!

Follow Neena @greatnorthpostpartum

Do you have a story you’d like to share on the podcast? I would love to hear from you! Email me via the contact page at

You can find our new e-book, “Did I Really Need a C-Section?” on our website at

Intro / outro music: Dreams by Markvard

Transition music:  Free by KV