After a long labor, and, feeling like she needed some relief, Emily transferred from her midwife-attended home birth to the hospital. The classic cascade of interventions ensued, beginning with an epidural, ending in a cesarean.

At several points during her labor experience there, surrounded by total strangers and overwhelmed by the sensations in her body, the staff failed to support her in the ways that she needed.

Emily connects the experience of being sexually violated at an early age, and that having been met with shame and indifference from adults who should have protected her, with this experience too. It is a pattern that has showed up in her life, and, it showed up in her labor.

In a postscript that I love, Emily had the strength to provide written and verbal feedback to the hospital where her birth occurred, which caused them to make changes to their policies around how homebirth transfers are handled.

What a wonderful gift to those who will come after her.

You can find Emily on Instagram @storiesandsongbirds


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