Jessica’s first baby was born in a hospital in Australia. Although she had the natural birth that she desired, some interventions happened that, in retrospect, she realized were not necessary.

Her second baby was born in Bali, at home, attended by Balinese midwives who barely made the birth. That birth helped her to realize she never needed to outsource her power to give birth. She had everything she needed within herself all along.

Jessica is the founder of Mothers of All, a wife and a mother of two boys. She created Mothers of All so women can have a place to go to find evidence based information to support them in their pregnancy, birth and motherhood journey from a holistic perspective.
After giving birth to her first son, Jessica realized how much of the world isn’t set up to support women when they become a mother, so she decided to create a space that was supportive and nourishing to women.

JOIN US! For Rituals for Rooted Postpartum with Nicole Parker
Join us with traditional birthkeeper Nicole Parker as we integrate into embodied motherhood with the support of conscious, rooted rituals for postpartum.

In this live webinar, you'll learn about the energetics of postpartum descent and the biomarkers your body uses to communicate with you, over 30 simple nourishing rituals to support you as you integrate the initiation of motherhood each time you cross the veil, and reclaim the innate power of your inner matriarch.

SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 | 4 PM PST

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