Nelson and Alison were so inspired by the home birth of their first baby, that it lit a fire in them to share what they learned through this experience with others. They believe that conception, pregnancy, birth, motherhood and fatherhood are all sacred experiences and should be honored as such. 

Five minutes into speaking with them, I fell in love with their passion, their light, and infectious energy. It was also a real treat to get to hear, for the first time on this show, a male partner’s perspective about what it was like to have a baby at home.

If you are in the Austin, TX area (or feel inspired to go there like I now am!), join them for the Sacred Birth Symposium March 11-12 at Casa De Luz.

You can find tickets, the speaker lineup, and all other relevant info here:

Use code "HBSAVES15" for 15% off tickets!

You can find them on Instagram @sacredbirthsymposium