Kaylee’s first birth experience ended in a cesarean, after having been dropped by her midwives’ care for going over 40 weeks. She partially credits the events of 2020 as being a huge awakening for her, so when she became pregnant again she knew she no longer wanted to engage with the medical system, and planned a free birth.

When she went into labor with that baby, what transpired was a six day long ordeal, with many twists and turns, reasons and opportunities to give up, but she never did.

This is officially the wildest story I’ve ever shared - and that’s saying something!

Here is a link to Kaylee’s YouTube channel and birth video!


You can follow Kaylee on IG @kreativekay_wilson

Do you have a story you’d like to share on the podcast? I would love to hear from you! Email me via the contact page at www.healingbirth.net.

Intro / outro music: Dreams by Markvard

Transition music: Chill Night by Amine Maxwell & MICHAL