Rebecca’s first experience with birth was a miscarriage, which, in her words, left her with the beautiful message that “we are mother nature.” When she conceived again, she was hit with the firewalk of hyperemesis, an initiation all of its own.

She gave birth to that baby in an Australian hospital with midwives. Her story, sadly, is a perfect example of the ways that defensively practiced medicine, intervening in the natural process that is birth, is leaving so many of us with unnecessary surgery, trauma, and lifelong repercussions.

But this is only part one! Rebecca has a second child, and you’ll hear the story of that pregnancy and birth next week. You do not want to miss how her journey unfolds!

(I am adding the disclaimer to this one that I am not a doctor and nothing that I say on this podcast should be taken as medical advice.)

Do you have a story you’d like to share on the podcast? I would love to hear from you! Email me via the contact page at

Intro / outro music: Dreams by Markvard

Transition music: Letting Go by Hotham