Elizabeth shares two very different home birth stories with us today. This first, included almost every traumatic thing I can think of that can transpire at home, including a postpartum hospital transfer for blood loss. After that experience, she says she never wanted to give birth again.

But when she had healed enough from that experience to become pregnant and birth again, that birth was so powerful and blissful she wanted to experience it over and over.

You will not want to miss her description of dancing through labor, in the wake of her father’s just having passed over, calling on her ancestors, and feeling him there with her.

Or her describe that sacred moment after birth holding her daughter, basking in the feeling of elation and joy.

Elizabeth mentions a few resources in this episode that I’d like to link to below:

- The “dancing doula” instagram page  is @doulawombwork.

- the meditations that were so helpful for her can be found at www.hypnobirthinghub.com.

You can follow Elizabeth on Instagram @dr.elizabethwade and at www.drelizabethwade.com

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