After becoming pregnant through the intensely medically managed experience of IVF, Kelli planned to step away from that model of care, and birth her baby at home.

But after five weeks of exhausting on and off labor, she felt like something was wrong, and agreed to transfer her care to the local hospital. It was there that they discovered the reason for her confusing labor pattern was a previous, commonly performed, medical procedure to her cervix.

Despite how traumatic this experience was, Kelli says that it helped to facilitate generational healing, going back to her trauma from her own birth.

This story is such a great example of how often birth gives us, not always the birth we want, but the medicine that we need as we are initiated into motherhood.

Kelli Moore is the CEO and Co-Founder of Soulfire Productions, Host of the top-rated podcast: The Naked Mama, and Co-Host of the beloved relationships podcast, OK, Babe.

Follow Kelli @kellitmoore

Do you have a story you’d like to share on the podcast? I would love to hear from you! Email me via the contact page at

You can find our new e-book, “Did I Really Need a C-Section?” on our website at

Intro / outro music: Dreams by Markvard

Transition music: Chill Night by Amine Maxwell & MICHAL