Ashley’s first two babies were born in the hospital, and both experiences left her traumatized. By the time her third baby was conceived, Ashley had been through an awakening to many truths, among them, the truth about birth. That was a natural birth with a midwife, but still not without interventions that were harmful.

Finally, after serving as a doula for free birthing women completely outside of the medical system for some time, she became pregnant with her fourth and knew this was her turn to trust birth fully.

You can connect with Ashley, and learn about the farm she lives on at

Ashley’s on Instagram @river_wolf_369

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Follow me on Instagram @healingbirth

Do you have a birth story you’d like to share on the podcast, or would like to otherwise connect? I love to hear from you! Send me a note at [email protected]

Check out the website for lots of other birth related offerings, and personalized support:

Intro / outro music: Dreams by Markvard

Transition music:    Chill Night by Amine Maxwell & MICHAL