Alexa’s first birth was attended by a medically minded midwife at home, who rushed her through the third stage of labor. What happened during this part of the birth experience left her traumatized and affected the critical bonding period between Alexa and her baby. In the aftermath, she experienced post-partum anxiety (you will hear us discuss the connection between Pitocin and post-natal mood disorders).

Alexa says that “Birth trauma affects the motherhood journey so much.”

Five months postpartum she conceived again. That baby was born again at home, but with just her husband and son there. This was her healing birth.

In addition to being an author, Alexa leads writing workshops, host women’s circles, and offers workshops on freebirth as well as cloth diapering.

Alexa’s website is You can find her on Instagram is @mama.freebirth. 

Find Alexa’s book Motherhood Disenchanted here

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Do you have a birth story you’d like to share on the podcast, or would like to otherwise connect? I love to hear from you! Send me a note at [email protected]

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Intro / outro music: Dreams by Markvard

Transition music:   Snowfall by Vendredi