Brittany described herself as a “good country girl” when pregnant with her first child. Her wishes for that birth were to merely make it out alive with her baby, and she completely deferred to her private care obstetrician when it came to the birth experience.

Now, pregnant with her third baby, Brittany is free birthing, on a cattle station in the middle of the Australian outback, miles from anyone. That’s how deep her trust in in her ability to birth goes!

This is part two of two - if you haven’t heard part one yet, go back one episode in the feed to hear her first two birth stories.

Do you have a story you’d like to share on the podcast? I would love to hear from you! Email me via the contact page at

You can find our new e-book, “Did I Really Need a C-Section?” on our website at

Intro / outro music: Dreams by Markvard

Transition music:   What Did You Name Your Island by Aardvark