If you think your poor health may be due to a sluggish liver then listen to this podcast.  In this episode Dr. Armitstead explains the  signs and symptoms of a weak liver and how the MTHFR gene mutation and Epstein Barr Virus affect the liver’s health. She will also share with you a very specific 'Liver Friendly' diet to help heal the liver.  Dr. Armitstead will explain how drinking 32 ounces of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning is really beneficial to help the body flush out toxins.  Listen to this podcast if you have allergies, sleep problems, constipation, fatigue. sugar cravings, bloating, gas, excess estrogen which includes severe PMS, moodiness, cystic breasts, weight gain, or fibroids because the culprit behind them could be a sluggish liver not doing a good job detoxing. 


Viruses podcast - https://healingarts.buzzsprout.com/894679/3242656-viruses

Liver Friendly Diet- https://healingartsnyc.blogspot.com/2019/12/liver-friendly-diet.html