Dr. Armitstead shares one health tip after the other in this amazing episode that was so long that she split it into two parts.  In this first part she shares her superfood smoothie recipe and why she adds coconut water to it, what milk is best to drink, what water filter she loves, what the highest quality of spirulina is and why is such a good superfood, which eggs are the healthiest eggs to eat, the 7 steps to take to ensure a healthy gut and so much more! Take out a pen and paper for this one because there will be so much information that you will want to incorporate for the healthiest life possible.  


Organic Egg Brand Scorecard https://www.cornucopia.org/scorecard/eggs/

Lung Exercises - https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ

Tap Water Study - https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/#.WisoO8aZN-U

Kachava pea protein

Raw Spirulina - https://www.rawlivingspirulina.com