Stories like Kumar's are why I do the work I do and why I wrote my book.  Kumar faced adversity at every turn and instead of letting it defeat him he used it to rise up and become one of Bollywoods most sought after celebrity make-up artists.  Kumar faced abuse, emotional abandonment, depression, and addiction on his journey to success and inner peace.  He let go of his childhood belief that he was not enough, and visualized and worked his way into a position that he had spent his childhood daydreaming about.  He let go of uncertainty and became aware of his own strengths. Kumar is now a torchbearer for the LGBTQ community and knows his life purpose is to guide and mentor people so that they may avoid what he as been through. His story is one of growth, forgiveness, and diversity.  It is sure to inspire you that there is always an opportunity to change your story and start living the life you have only dreamed about. Part 1 of 2.