Two years ago Sharon Noullett was at rock-bottom emotionally but knew that there must be an answer somewhere. She left a corporate job because of the stress only to find that stress comes in many different ways and forms. Sharon was searching online for some support and inspiration and found the Heal Your Life® Teacher Training in Canada.  Sharon had been studying the book "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay, and was practicing an affirmation she did not yet believe  but so desperately wanted to believe - I am worthy. 

Sharon had been struggling with abandonment issues her whole life after losing both of her parents at the age of 7.  She didn't feel "worthy" of love, and felt she always had to earn it.  This took it's toll on the young girl and subsequent teenager.  She made decisions that only made her feel worse.  Hear all about how she turned her life around and became the confidant woman that she is today.

Sharon is a Heal Your Life Workshop Teacher and Heal Your Life Coach.  She is the founder of Heart & Soul Connection and is an active member of her community, loving wife, mother to three boys, and grandmother to 5 beautiful children.