For over 10 years, high achieving professionals, business owners, students, and athletes have sought Anastasia out during periods of transition in life seeking clarity about career future or business growth and building confidence as they bring it to life. 

Anastasia is obsessed with helping driven, kind people discover a fulfilling career, live in alignment with their calling in life, scale their impact in the world, and maximize their potential.

She left a successful Fortune 500 Marketing & Strategy consulting career at Deloitte Digital and several years before that — a 16-year-long tennis career — to pursue her life-long passion for coaching and a dream of running a purpose-driven business.

Listen in on our conversation where we talk about how easy it is to lose ourselves in unfulfilling careers - and most importantly - how to get out of that cycle.  Anastasia is passionate about helping people align with their skills and follow their dreams.

Learn more about Anastasia on her fabulous website.