Enjoy Udo's free gift to you, Your Body Needs An Oil Change.  This book and video series will help you find the balance you seek.

Udo Erasmus is the founder of Udo's Choice and an award-winning author.  He teaches at Tony Robbins' and Deepak Chopra's events - and now he is here with you on this podcast.  Udo is the creator of the machinery used for extracting Flax and Omega Oils.  He has been featured in Vogue, Fox News, Women's Health, Men's Health,  Muscle and Fitness Magazine, Fox News. 

Udo's discoveries have changed the world as we know it.  He is the founder of the billion-dollar supplement line, Udo’s Choice, harnessing the healing power of nature through vegan products ‘made with health in mind’.

As a child of war, Udo’s life began with intense struggle, and later he got pesticide poisoning, leaving doctors at a loss regarding treatment. Deciding to take his health into his own hands, Udo began researching, and his discoveries changed the trajectory and purpose of his life.

Today, Udo is a best-selling speaker and author of many books, including the best-selling Fats That Heal Fats That Kill that sold over 250,000 copies and Total Sexy Health.  Udo has extensive education in biochemistry, genetics, biology, and nutrition, and holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology.

Listen in as Udo talks about the mind/body connection and our own internal being and living in harmony with nature.  He shares his story and offers solutions for raising the quality of your life.

Enjoy his free gift to you, Your Body Needs An Oil Change.  This book and video series will help you find the balance you seek.

Learn More about Udo's Total Health membership HERE

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