"Most clients have the blinders on. They've been buying healthcare the same way for 18 years. So the ability to expand their horizon makes you successful in the industry." 

                                                                                            -Craig Lack 

Meet John Sbrocco and Craig Lack on the VIP Event for Healthcare Brokers - High Stakes Advising 2021.
Special guest of the event - Jordan Belfort. Early Bird Tickets are for SALE! CLICK HERE


Is there a way to offer something DIFFERENT to the prospects that have "seen it all"? 

Can you get their full attention as opposed to them looking at their phones and waiting for the meeting to be over? 

Will you stand out from the crowd of your competitors offering to "save 20% to 40%" on their healthcare plan? 

So many questions... and only one correct answer. 

TUNE IN to the latest episode of the Heads Up Adviser Show "9 Ways To Manage WSSM" with John Sbrocco and Craig Lack sharing the insights on how to surprise even the most challenging prospects you'll have from now on. 

A great way to start your week, learning: 


✔️ How to have a "different conversation"

✔️ What should you start a dialogue with

✔️ Leading your prospects to a CHANGE

✔️ Ways to shorten the gap between "now" and "then"

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Sign Up For The Expert Session "Achieve Health Consortium"👉 https://bit.ly/34QECUV

Visit Heads Up Adviser Website 👉 https://bit.ly/36cYv7C