In this episode, David and Graham are joined by special guest and Heads In The Cloud fan, Michael Cromwell, Founder and CEO of EagleTEQ Solutions, a technology business advisory firm. With over 27 years of experience in the field, Michael spent most of his career leading sales and marketing teams, and now channels that experience into advising growing companies on how they can increase their sales, create standout marketing campaigns, and maximize their growth potential. Michael shares his knowledge on all things cloud and tech, hitting on the challenges of running a cloud business, digital transformation, and why CIOs have become one of the most important executive leaders in the last five years. Tune in to hear his expert insight on why businesses must create their cloud strategy now and all of the new technology you need to thrive. This episode also features a few fun animal cameos, from screaming goats to Michael's Instagram pets.

Show Links

EagleTEQ Solutions Website:
Michael's LinkedIn:
Michael's Twitter: @MichaelCromwell /
Crom Dogs Instagram: @crom_dogs /

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