Stuart “Stu” Steinberg has lived an adventurous life to say the least. Enlisting in the Army during the Vietnam War, he would eventually serve as an explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) specialist from 1967-1971. During his 18 months in Vietnam, he would have one of the most dangerous jobs in the services, and his experience there would eventually paint the picture his recently published book, “This is What Hell Looks Like” so vividly describes. Following Vietnam, Steinberg would go on to earn his law degree, an advance law degree, and eventually teach at the Georgetown University Law Center. For several years as a capital defense investigator he would experience cases whose disturbing nature was innately characteristic of the hell seen in war. Hear how Stu Steinberg survived that hell, and has now gone on to live a life of service helping other veterans, on this latest episode of HAZARD GROUND!
“This is What Hell Looks Like: Life as a Bomb Disposal Specialist During the Vietnam War”
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