Col Kim Campbell's story is one of perseverance, and living proof that shutting down the urge to quit or give up, will ultimately lead to what others told you wasn’t possible. At a young age she set her sights on attending the U.S. Air Force Academy to ultimately put herself on a path to become an astronaut. Several "No's" and a few roadblocks later, Kim Campbell earned her way to becoming an A-10 pilot. And that "no-quit" attitude is exactly what she needed in probably her most jarring moment as a fighter pilot: the day she was nearly shot down in combat over Iraq. Her plane was so badly damaged that she had to pilot it using manual controls. When it was all over, she would be awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. It’s one thing to fly and engage the enemy in combat, but it takes a special kind of composure to safely land a badly damaged aircraft in a war zone. Col Kim Campbell’s story is truly inspiring, and it was an honor to have her on the show!

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