The challenge with marketing for most business owners is that we often clump everything into one big ball and barely know where to start a marketing plan or how to execute it. 

Marie Patel is quite literally the Girl On The Ball with marketing solutions and comes with a tactical strategy and plan that allows you to implement a solid marketing plan that achieves your goal. Marie is a strategy and marketing expert for small businesses and professionals. Her experience began with IBM and has continued into many industries. 

“As much as marketing has changed these days, due to the digital factor, the basics of marketing still exist. It's age-old wisdom.” -Marie Patel 

Marie has acquired many skills in her well-seasoned marketing career and is able to leverage her curiosity and her desire to problem solve and be very nurturing to help people figure out how to market their business. 

Key Points Marie Shares in this Discussion: 

What she’s learned in launching her own business  Addressing your marketing goal is one of the biggest challenges for small businesses  People often don’t know how to pull marketing strategies and plans together effectively 

“You can't approach marketing so globally. To be effective, you really have to pinpoint things.” -Marie Patel 

Marie breaks down the 3 phase process she’s developed to help businesses get clarity around their marketing needs and get to the other side of being able to execute step by step.  

She also coordinates and co-hosts the Marketing Hot Seat at HAYVN. She shares why she joined HAYVN and how the Marketing Hot Seat is such a value add for the people participating. 

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