Are sustainability and corporate responsibility only concerns for big companies? 

Heather Burns, Founder of ESG Consulting Biz, is joining us to share why and how environmental sustainability is equally important for all businesses. Heather began her journey in the world of sustainability after becoming a master diver, seeing the effect of climate change up close. Since then she’s been pushing forward to help businesses of all sizes make a better impact ever since. 

“You really cannot have a healthy economy without a healthy environment.” -Heather Burns 

Key Takeaways in this Discussion: 

Sustainable business is good business for the economy and the environment  Investors coined ESG (Environmental Social Governance) as a way to measure a business’ social responsibility factor There are easy ways even the smallest entrepreneur can grow a sustainable business 

“Business is changing because the planet is changing. And as people who are operating businesses or even helping businesses, [...] we have a responsibility to help our customers adapt to the changes that are happening.” -Heather Burns 

Heather recently began the “Women in Sustainability” roundtable conversations at HAYVN. She’s been able to raise awareness, leverage the professional generosity and create meaningful relationships she found in the co-working community.  

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