Amy Balog is asking us all to “lead from center”.
But what does that even mean?
Well, to Amy, leading from center means being so in-tune with yourself -- knowing who you are, and what makes you tick -- that you're able to create amazing results in your life and the life of others. It's about gaining clarity, calmness and conviction, and being acutely aware of the environment inside of yourself so that you may more powerfully impact the environments around you. 
Amy’s passion is helping leaders tap into their center to create massive results within their organizations, and within themselves.
In this conversation Amy and I dive into what leading from center truly means and looks like, and we examine the impact that understanding your bigger WHY has on your life and the lives of those around you. Amy shares her journey of stepping into this work and the watershed moment that changed her career trajectory forever.
In this episode you will learn:

The formula for Leading From Center

The non-tangible elements for success many leaders are overlooking

How to shift your frame of mind from “performing” to “serving”

Amy Balog is asking us all to “lead from center”.

But what does that even mean?

Well, to Amy, leading from center means being so in-tune with yourself -- knowing who you are, and what makes you tick -- that you're able to create amazing results in your life and the life of others. It's about gaining clarity, calmness and conviction, and being acutely aware of the environment inside of yourself so that you may more powerfully impact the environments around you. 

Amy’s passion is helping leaders tap into their center to create massive results within their organizations, and within themselves.

In this conversation Amy and I dive into what leading from center truly means and looks like, and we examine the impact that understanding your bigger WHY has on your life and the lives of those around you. Amy shares her journey of stepping into this work and the watershed moment that changed her career trajectory forever.

In this episode you will learn:

The formula for Leading From Center
The non-tangible elements for success many leaders are overlooking
How to shift your frame of mind from “performing” to “serving”